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Thich Nhat Hanh
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Five Touching The Earth
Touching The Earth
True Happiness
Lord Buddha, you and your Sangha are my teaches who have given me birth in the spiritual life and continue to nourish me every day. I am...
The Three Earth Touchings
This is the full text guiding the practice of Three Earth Touchings that we use at our practice centers and sanghas in the Plum Village...
The Five Earth touchings
This is the full text guiding the practice of Five Earth Touchings that we use at our practice centers and sanghas in the Plum Village...
Discourse on Love
"He or she who wants to attain peace should practice being upright, humble, and capable of fusing loving speech. He or she will know how...
Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone
I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was staying at the monastery in the Jeta Grove, in the town of Savatthi. He...
Handbook of practices
Contemplations Before Eating
Introducing the Five Contemplations [BELL, BELL, BELL] [WAKE-UP SOUND] The Buddha, the Awakened One, invites us to enjoy our meal in...
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