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Kathina Ceremony 2022

Dear Friends,


Please be invited to join Kathina Ceremony. The funds raised will renovate Thay's hut to be into a Living Museum - a space for practice where Thay's energy and way of life will always be present.


Sunday November 6, 2022

at Thai Plum Village International Meditation Center, Bann Sanamsai, Pongtalong, Pakchong, Nakhon-Ratchasima.


The schedule is as follows:

8.30 a.m. Arrival

9.00 a.m. Dharma Talk

10.30 a.m. Kathina Ceremony

11.30 a.m. Mindful Lunch

1.30 p.m. Departure


Please direct your offering to

Account: Plum Village Foundation

Bangkok Bank,

Siam Paragon Branch.

A/C No. 855-0-12889-9


No pre-registration is required.


For pay-in slip sharing or query, please kindly email to


Compassion springs from your heart,

Lay Practitioner Sangha of Plum Village Thailand.


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